Helpful tips on how to maintain your antique furniture

How to maintain your antique furniture

Antique furniture never goes out of fashion, and it can really add character to a home. It’s also great for making your home feel homely, and, if you live in a period property, a sense of history and continuity in keeping with the house itself.

One issue with antique furniture, however, is that you have to maintain it. Due to its age, it’s likely to be fragile due to the effects of use and the fact that modern manufacturing and preserving techniques wouldn’t have been around at the time of it being made. This article will hopefully help you learn the basics of looking after your antique furniture so it stays looking distinguished and eye-catching.



One of the main issues with antique furniture is the age of the wood which can leave it prone to pests such as woodworms. Woodworms are especially common at the end of August, when their larvae, that have already been chewing through your lovely antique furniture, emerge as adults. After this, they fly off and lay eggs in more of your precious wooden antiques, and the whole process starts again.

The best way to deal with woodworms is to contact a specialist pest removal company, and then a wood treatment service which will prevent woodworms from returning. It’s also a good idea to quickly mention the prevalence of bedbugs too in antique furniture. Again, because of its age, it can be more prone to such infestations. If your antique bed has bedbugs, it’s again a good idea to contact a professional pest control service.

For Midlands Pest Control: Axatax & Beds and Bucks Pest Control

For the South West: South West Pest Control

For Scotland: Strathearn Pest Control & Scottish Pest Control

You can also search on Google for local pest control companies or try a pest control directories such as this one.



Another threat to your antique furniture is changes in humidity. Again, this Is a lot more common in the summer months than winter, but damage can happen all year round. Changes in humidity will lead to your wooden furniture expanding and contracting, and this can cause cracks to form. This will then lead to the wood splitting when it dries out.

In order to avoid this problem, it’s best to try and keep the room, or rooms, containing your antique wooden furniture at a constant temperature. You can also purchase de-humidifiers which will remove some of the moisture from the air.

Digital Humidity Gauge


Sunlight exposure

Again, another issue which is mostly prevalent during the summer months. Sun exposure can alter the colour of the finish or protective surface on your antique furniture.

The best way to avoid sun damage is quite simple: ensure your antiques are away from direct sunlight. This might mean permanently moving the furniture or object to a place that’s out of way of windows, or possibly keeping your curtains or blinds draw during the points in the day when the sun comes through your windows.


Here is a quick 3 minute video with some ideas to care for your antique furniture


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